The power of knowing what you don’t know – Adam Grant, one of the world’s leading references in human resources,
An analysis of the mindset that drives the world’s most famous venture capitalists through a reconstruction of celebrated transactions that
A selection of the best insights on corporate management from the letters to shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway, headed by American
A study of the invisible forces that lead people to make wrong decisions in life and business, according to one
The management model, based on defining key objectives and outcomes, is used as a guide by large companies such as
The culture and management methods used by Jeff Bezos to transform Amazon from a small online book retailer in the
Central Ideas: 1- Transcendent leadership rests on the inspirational power of non-material incentives: on employees’ personal sense of purpose,
Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness Central Ideas: 1 – The trick to dealing with failure is
Central Ideas: A company with a high talent density is a place where everyone wants to work. High-performing people thrive
How to master the unhealthy belief in one’s importance and prepare for moments of failure by cultivating strength and courage,